Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Here's an interesting Ebay item for you. Sorry folks, bidding is closed on this one but I think the pic pretty much says it all. Who wouldn't love a hand-knitted doghair sweater for Christmas or their birthday? It went for five dollars, in case you were wondering.

In another auction-related item, Dean Kamen is auctioning three Segway scooters *ahem* sorry, Dean - I meant to say "human transporters", not scooters - on Amazon.com. They're not planned for public release for another year. Look...I like Kamen and all and I think the Segway is pretty cool tech. However, after seeing Kamen (this time joined by Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder and CEO) on Good Morning America for a second time, putting around and leaning back and forth and twirling around in circles on the things at three miles an hour, there's no denying the fact that it's absolutely impossible not to look like a tool while riding one. Next time just make us the damn jet pack, Dean - okay? Because if you're right and this thing really is the future of inner-city transportation, our inner-city commuters are going to look like vast legions of nerds.

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