Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Ozzy Demands Contract Signed in Blood or No Deal - MTV Execs Roll Up Sleeves

Ozzy Osbourne, America's favorite TV dad, has hammered out a deal with MTV execs for another round of The Osbournes, the smash-hit reality show featuring the semi-lucid, stumbling Prince of Darkness and his newly famous family. There were, however, a couple of catches.

Firstly, the MTV bigwigs had to consent to signing the new contract in blood (no joke). Secondly, an unspecified amount of psychological counseling for the Osbourne family's ever present pets was thrown in to sweeten the deal. MTV did, however, draw the line at a new house - but with £15million, Mr. Osbourne should be able to purchase a few new throw pillows and a couple paintings with which he can spruce up his present digs.

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