Thursday, February 21, 2002

This Is What Happens When You Let Rednecks Have Access To Computers

As if videogames didn't cop a bad enough rap already because of their violent themes, racist groups are now taking it a step further - games that are specifically geared towards the goal of making racism and genocide "hip" among young gamers.

Primarily variations of such games as Doom and Quake, they feature gameplay that centers around murdering members of particular minority groups - i.e. blacks, jews and latinos. One game even goes so far as to be set in a concentration camp. It's goal? To kill as many jewish prisoners (or rats, as they're referred to in the game) as possible.

The article here - from Wired, even mentions one of these idiots having bastardized my beloved Pac-Man, which - coincidentally - I've been writing about here for the past hour...sigh...have I ever mentioned what a screwed up world this is?

"I hate Illinois Nazis." Jake Blues - The Blues Brothers

Games Elevate Hate to Next Level

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